Perpetua Perspectives
Winter Edition 2020
It’s hard to believe that we’re already well into the second half of what has been an extremely eventful year. Perhaps it’s a good time to take stock and reflect on what’s taken place in 2020 thus far.
In this Winter Edition of Perpetua Perspectives we step back from the daily news flow and consequent ‘noise’ in order to gain a clearer perspective of how markets have reacted to the COVID-19 outbreak, economic shutdowns, substantial fiscal stimulus packages, and discuss what this could all mean for the real economy and subsequently asset prices.
We explore these topics from a domestic and global perspective, and also include articles offering insights into the interesting hospital sector, and provide thoughts on infrastructure investing which is a hot topic in the context of discussions around possible amendments to Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act.
We trust and hope that you find value in these pieces and welcome any suggestions for future articles.
Read the full report here.