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Pertpetua Team


Perpetua Investment Managers | Multi Asset Class Outlook 2025

We are excited to share Perpetua’s inaugural, comprehensive multi-asset class report. In this publication we discuss key macroeconomic, geopolitical and fundamental factors shaping global and domestic markets across major asset classes. We also provide our perspectives on the investment opportunities and risks which we believe exist, based on our outlook across various markets. We hope that you find it both engaging and thought-provoking. Enjoy the read!


Perpetua Perspectives Summer Edition 2022

A few weeks ago, not many of us would have anticipated the dramatic escalation of the conflict taking place in Ukraine as Russian military forces began an invasion in late February, sparking humanitarian and economic devastation in the country which is a former Soviet republic.


Perpetua Perspectives Spring Edition 2021

Who can grasp that the end of the 2021 is here? Christmas promotions are on display. Year-end functions are in the works and the long-awaited December leave is being planned


Perpetua Perspectives Winter Edition 2021

Who can believe that we have reached the half way mark of 2021? Time really flies when you’re in the midst of a global pandemic; shifting to different lockdown levels; bracing for the COVID-19 third wave and trying to manage vaccinations, preventing infections and managing expectations.