In this, our 4th Annual Stewardship and Sustainability Report, we are pleased to present a summary of our activities and actions throughout the 2023 year as well as insights and learnings we gained to support the responsible allocation, management and oversight of our clients’ capital. We hope you find value in this report and as always encourage feedback, interaction and engagement as we firmly believe true stewardship recognises the importance of a collective effort to have the wide-ranging positive economic, societal and environmental impact we all seek.

Download our exclusive Stewardship & Sustainability e-book
Discover the essence of true stewardship in our 4th Annual Stewardship & Sustainability Report.
Gain profound insights from our investment management firm’s activities
and actions throughout 2023. Download this enduring e-book to explore responsible allocation, management, and oversight of capital. Find mastery in
collective efforts for positive economic, societal, and environmental impact.
Engage in the wisdom that awaits.
Free download available now
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