Perpetua International
Focused Equity
Focused Equity
Sector Allocation
Fund strategy
The Perpetua International Focused Equity portfolios aims to outperform the benchmark MSCI EAFE or MSCI World ex-US Index in the medium to long term by using Perpetua’s bottom-up research and stock selection to build a high conviction portfolio within a defined risk-conscious investment process, consisting of shares listed on developed market stock exchanges outside of the USA. The Fund is suitable for investors who accept short term volatility in the pursuit of long term alpha generation.
Portfolio managers

Delphine Govender
Chief Investment Officer

Greame Ronne
Portfolio Manager
Perpetua International Focused Equity Fund Annualised Performance for period ended 30 September 2024
Perpetua International Focused Equity Fund Sector Allocation
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Mastering insightful investing
Perpetua is independent, owner-managed investment management firm. We strive for excellence in performance, conduct and engagement and operate out of a purpose-driven culture.
We consistently employ a long-term investment approach that is thoughtful, rigorous and that doesn’t follow the crowd.